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Care (GAC) & PrEP

Intersection of Gender-Affirming Care and PrEP

Transgender individuals may face unique challenges in both accessing gender-affirming care and using PrEP for HIV prevention. For instance, the following points are relevant to healthcare providers and patients:

Potential Interactions:

Gender-Affirming Care and PrEP Integration:
  • Transgender people, particularly transgender women, may be at an elevated risk for HIV and could benefit from PrEP alongside hormone therapy.
  • Providers need to be knowledgeable about how PrEP and hormone therapies (such as estrogen) might interact, although studies indicate that there are no major contraindications.
Feminizing Hormone Therapy (FHT):
  • Some studies suggest that certain FHTs, like estradiol, may slightly lower the levels of tenofovir, one of the drugs in PrEP. However, this is not significant enough to affect PrEP’s effectiveness.
Masculinizing Hormone Therapy (MHT):
  • There are no known significant interactions between MHT and PrEP.

Important Considerations:

Holistic Approach:
  • A comprehensive approach to care for transgender individuals includes hormone therapy, mental health support, HIV prevention (through PrEP), and STI screenings in an integrated, non-discriminatory, and supportive environment.
Individualized Approach:

It’s crucial to discuss your specific medications and dosages with your healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective use of PrEP and GAC.

Regular Monitoring:

Your healthcare provider may recommend regular blood tests to monitor your hormone levels and PrEP effectiveness.


Consistent adherence to both PrEP and GAC regimens is essential for optimal outcomes.


Both gender-affirming care and PrEP give individuals the tools to take charge of their health and well-being. Providing these services in tandem can enhance both sexual and mental health outcomes for transgender individuals.

Benefits of Combining PrEP and GAC:

Reduced HIV Risk:

PrEP provides a valuable tool for transgender individuals to reduce their risk of HIV infection, especially if they engage in high-risk behaviours.

Improved Overall Health:

GAC can significantly improve the quality of life and overall health of transgender individuals.

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